You are now watching Mugoku no Kuni no Alice – Episode 1 online on Hentai-Anime.TV
You are currently watching Mugoku no Kuni no Alice – Episode 1 online on Hentai-Anime.TV 1748 people watched this episode.
Alice is a ordinary young lady who is a bit hesitant and cherishes her more seasoned sister. Alice found herself isolated from her more seasoned sister in a unusual room, which made Alice exceptionally troubled. She is forlorn and alone in a put she doesn't know. ``What ought to I sister...'' But Alice assembles up her strength and tries her best to take off the room to discover her sister. Oh no, but be cautious. Isn't that room truly dangerous? Full of puzzling and frightening animals and traps that can take your life. If you make a botch, you will never see your sister again. But she won't be able to fathom the riddle unless she takes on the challenge with courage. Will Alice be able to discover her sister safely? When she woke up, there was a white rabbit...and a cloudy fluid had been poured into her body. アリスはちょっぴり気弱で、お姉ちゃんが大好きな、ごく普通の女の子。気がつくと見知らぬお部屋でお姉ちゃんと離れ離れになってしまって、アリスはとっても困りました。一人ぼっちで知らないところにいるなんて、寂しくてたまりません。「どうしよう……おねえちゃん……」だけどアリスは勇気を振り絞って、お姉ちゃんを探しにお部屋を出ようと頑張ります。あらあらだけど、気をつけて。そのお部屋はすっごく危ないよ?不思議で怖~い生き物や、命を奪う罠がいっぱい。一歩間違えれば、もう二度とお姉ちゃんには会えません。だけど勇気をもって挑まなければ、謎は解けないのです。アリスは無事にお姉ちゃんを見つけられるのでしょうか?目を覚ますと、そこには白ウサ……白濁液が体内に注がれていました。
Studio: Majin Petit
Alternate Title: 夢獄の国のアリス 第1話 謎の数字と不思議な生き物
Release Date: 2024/05/31