You are now watching Gobaku – Episode 1 online on Hentai-Anime.TV
You are currently watching Gobaku – Episode 1 online on Hentai-Anime.TV 1669 people watched this episode.
No, no, Hiro-kun, no more... no... ``Haruka Miyama'' thinks... ``Hiroyuki Ueki'' is a overlooked token of her best companion who she treated as her son...Haruka's mother's title is ``Hiro-kun.'' The man in front of me is communicating his sentiments as a man, not as a son. The age distinction, a hitched lady, a candidate for his daughter's son-in-law... He has to come up with a number of reasons and eradicate those sentiments... so as not to harmed him. Haruka attempted to calmly and compassionate advise him, but... his will never faltered, and on the opposite, Haruka's heart faltered... Her one-time botch with her son... his... Haruka had her considerations engraved on her body...but at that time...she had not however taken note her claim sexual enhancer being caught in the throes of corruption... だ、ダメよ、ヒロくん、これ以上は……ダメ……「深山遥華」は考える……息子として接してきた親友の忘れ形見である「上木弘幸」……遥華ママ称「ヒロくん」目の前の彼は、息子としてではなく男としての思いをぶつけてくる年の差、人妻、娘の婿候補……いくつもの理由を並べ立て、その思いを消さないといけない……傷つけないよう、穏便に、優しく諭そうとした遥華だが……彼の意思は少しも揺らぐ事はなく逆に遥華の心が揺らぐ事となってしまった……一度だけの息子との過ち……彼の思いをその身に刻ませた遥華……だが、その時はまだ……背徳の蠢きに搦め捕られる自身の媚肉に気付く事はなかった……
Studio: nur
Alternate Title: 誤爆~萌えママ徒然~ ~幼なじみママ~(仮)
Release Date: 2024/06/28