Enjo Kouhai – Episode 10

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Enjo Kouhai – Episode 10

Ogigamine Ouka is the head of the Ogigamine family, a clan of devils. Nearby her considers, she works difficult at her family commerce, exorcizing the powerful "Yoruma" that is uncontrolled in the world.And the hero, who is Ouka's childhood companion and presently her spouse, moreover plays an vital part in expansion to making a difference to exorcize the Yoruma.That is... making a child with Ouka."You're polluted, brother (no blood connection)... but it's fine." Herlarge, firm breasts that have developed wealthy. Hershy but delicate signals that acknowledge her. The young lady he has known since childhood is no longer a lady, but a youthful spouse who as it were cherishes him.... Something's off-base. Were they truly in a relationship like this? The questions that cross his intellect moreover liquefy absent in joy... Thedemon princess sanctum lady has two roles.(1) To exorcize the [Devils] born from people's negative feelings and ensure the peace of the human world.(2) To take off behind an fabulous beneficiary as the head of the evil presence clan. → [Having children]? 檻ヶ峰桜花は鬼の一族、檻ヶ峰家の当主であり、学業のかたわら、世に蔓延る怪異『澱魔』を祓う家業に勤しんでいる。 そして、桜花の幼馴染であり、現在は彼女の夫でもある主人公もまた、澱魔退治の手伝いとともにある重要なお役目を担っている。 それは……桜花との子作り。 「穢れていますよ、兄さん(※血縁関係無し)……別に、いいですけど」 豊かに育った、張りのある大きな乳房。 恥じらいながらも受け入れてくれる、淑やかな仕草。幼い頃から知っている彼女はもはや○女ではなく、自分だけに愛を向けてくれる若妻なのだ。 ……何かおかしい。本当に二人はこんな関係だっただろうか? 頭によぎる疑問もまた、快楽に溶けていく……。 鬼の姫巫女の持つお役目はふたつ。 (1) 人の負の感情から生まれる【殿魔】を祓い人の世の平穏を守ること。 (2) 鬼族の当主として優秀な世継ぎをのこすこと。→【子作り】?


Alternate Title: ○○交配 第十話 愛する人と子作りに励む彼女は鬼の姫巫女

Release Date: 2024/09/27

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