Ito o Yoru – Episode 2

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Ito o Yoru – Episode 2

On a blustery night when he was feeling frantic, a tout (Aine) at a girls' bar called out to him and he went in, and begun to visit the bar a few times after that.About a month afterward, he met Aine after getting intoxicated at a stand-up bar amid the day. He heardthat she had ended up unemployed.As he tuned in to her unending complaints and looked after her, the two of them finished up alone in a stop toilet.The school pool was washed in the summer sunshine.As the boys were cleaning, the female course agent came to help.Just as they were around to wrap up, the young lady slipped and got drenched with the pool water. Hehelped her up by the hand, and as if they shared a shared understanding, their lips all of a sudden squeezed together.She said that there was something she needed to attempt... and the two went through a summer of their youth together. 自暴自棄になっていた雨の夜に、ガールズバーのキャッチ(アイネ)に声を掛けられ入店し、それから何度か店に通うようになった。それから一ヶ月ほどたち、昼間の立ち飲み屋で○っ払ったアイネと出会う。話を聞くと無職になったという。延々と愚痴を聞き介抱するうち、公園のトイレで二人きりに。夏の日差しで覆い尽くされた学校のプール。 男子生徒が掃除をしていると、クラス委員長の女子生徒が手伝いに来てくれた。 もう少しで終わりそうになった時、女子生徒が足を滑らしプールの水でビショ濡れになってしまう。 手を取り起こしてあげると、共感し合ったようにおもむろに唇を重ねる。 彼女はやってみたいこ事があると言い出し…そして二人はひと夏の青春を過ごした。


Alternate Title: 糸を撚る 2[高柳カツヤ]

Release Date: 2024/09/27

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